1 li: there , Hi, hello! what do you litoe/love/dislifce/do?! ) ' RWESOME! _ ^ r I do this and th / Фуррятина :: разное

1 li: there , Hi, hello! what do you litoe/love/dislifce/do?! )
' RWESOME! _	^	r
I do this and that and \ you're totally awesome too
being gullible
I mean we connect so well and since we're gonna be' best Friends....
[public aFFection booth with at least over 10 best Friends]
1 li: there , Hi, hello! what do you litoe/love/dislifce/do?! ) ' RWESOME! _ ^ r I do this and that and \ you're totally awesome too being gullible I mean we connect so well and since we're gonna be' best Friends.... mhmm. [public aFFection booth with at least over 10 best Friends] realizing gullibleness ^Nobody is honest, everyone is pretending and they just lie to > Qst you to liHe them., Yeah, I totally agree, I had \v S^TT"V this one Friend that.. ^ .. . C hypocrite emotional misery and empathy \ I know, you're important, but a Priend means more than N f\ust occasional online talk and you're very bipolar, you get\ 1 eas'^V oPPended and you start being aPPectionate when rM TV7\lV°u're down and throw people away once you're bored oP Y them, you never really stick with anything, you're kinda /f^ lazy, you sorta switch interests like bands in a playlist, I V 'lyou pretend Por a lot op people, you're very perverted Awith them too, i don't think you clearly understand how I hard it is to live with someone or own a pet and. ^ But why don't you ever talk to me, you hate me? I thought we had a really nice thing going on, I don't like this.. honesty Hi there! [well, iP you honestly care, you'll prove it] [almost] pretend and just wait
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vxd2k7 vxd2k7 12.06.201416:49 ответить ссылка 0.0
Если вкратце, о чем речь? Забивать весь текст в гугл-переводчик лень.
Hammond3 Hammond3 12.06.201416:53 ответить ссылка 0.0
тыж переводил когда-то xD
правда там было пару строчек . . .
Niio Niio 13.06.201400:03 ответить ссылка 0.0
Дайте Russian Edition!
Не понятно ж ничего :с
7161 7161 13.06.201400:59 ответить ссылка 0.0
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