Логотип группы появился в ходе одной из репетиций, когда фронтмен нашёл интересный способ написать слово «Corn» мелом. Знаменитая реверсивная Я — ничто иное, как стилизация банальной детской ошибки в написании.
Last night in a passionate act of love, desire and freedom I went to the local grocery store where I walked up to a Black, Hispanic mix beauty. I stared at her for what felt like hours and it almost felt as if she was staring back even though she wasn't. I walked up to her and grabbed her. She seemed happy as we ran out of the store together being chased by others who were angry by the fact that a small white boy was running off with a tall black, Hispanic mix beauty. When we got back to my place we were quick to getting hot and ready for the pleasurable experience we were about to thoroughly enjoy. As I slathered her in butter it began to melt and drop off of her beautiful, multicolored curves. I then began to slowly insert her into my tight, white boy hole. She was reluctant at first but the fatter I went the easier she became to control. The feeling of her hot, steamy kernels sliding in and out of me was pure ecstasy. It became too much. Then. I popped. My kernels popped in a miraculous fashion as I was still having my way with this beautiful, 13 inch piece of corn with black and brown kernels.
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Hot young com gets plowed
Slob on the cob
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T»mHub NETWORK •-b RMTuCe YouPom ТдСив PomVO bureau XTuee CuyPwn Sere ftumm uera Q
Exclusive corn's full setnt She goes
он лидер группы KoRn
на иностранном языке модно называться не только у нас
Так-то на английском языке одно из значений слова corn - не кукуруза а именно зерно
Плюс кукуруза тоже злак и ее часть - зерно, corn.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corn_(disambiguation) тут тоже написано.
И не надо мне загонять что у нас тут американский английский.
korn 100% не маис никак
Каса это наркотик в виде цветной кукурузы из Звёздных врат .
Распространитель Лусианский Союз .