Aesthin`s Respite
Something for my personal project.
He is an old general that after trying to retire was trapped in this body he cant control, so that he would serve the monarchy for as long as they wanted. He was kept in absolute mechanical submission. One can only imagine his frustration as time went by, and his perspective of seeing his family again faded with his sanity.
A tortured life, having no perspective of getting the things or surrounding yourself with the people you need.
Something for my personal project.
He is an old general that after trying to retire was trapped in this body he cant control, so that he would serve the monarchy for as long as they wanted. He was kept in absolute mechanical submission. One can only imagine his frustration as time went by, and his perspective of seeing his family again faded with his sanity.
A tortured life, having no perspective of getting the things or surrounding yourself with the people you need.