In addition to the Enterprise, which will have new escape pods inspired by the destruction of the USS Kelvin in the 2009 movie, Star Trek Beyond will feature two other vessels: tiny swarm ships flown by the enemy Krall and the USS Franklin, an early prototype ship that was the first to reach Warp A. ISSUE PAGE Starboard impulse engine lapulse power relay lapulse thxust nacelle frontal field node warp field condenting apparatus Shuttle-bay doors Shuttle boy Shuttle prep and engineering zone Karp core Engineering area Warp-coil reactant, gat reserves, chemical experimentation. coolant and elemental storage facilities Science area, located close to sensor array and ship Instruments Power-supply cells Krall trooper Manual airlock-release power supply cells Airlock 0 ring Armored stabilization Oirectlonal stabilization fins Kelvin pod USS Entozpriso Upper observation done USS Fitnklln Krell swarm ship Cj Additional escape pods Transporter rooms Bridge TuxDOllft Phaser Special instruiente Hull bracing and ship Infrastructure Photon torpedos Officer a quarters Hollway Sustainable food stores Lower observation dome Deflector disk Bridge Officer» escape pod Motorcycle Transporter room Mets/rec hail engineering Officer i quarters ABOUT THE ARTI5T KCMP BKMILLARD is a graph* dewgner who started out drawvig scenes for the video game Lair He's created concept art for WHO CREATEO THESE dozens of games and movies, mcludwig Sfcyrm. Gl Joe. and Trcmformer* 1 and 2. and for Stir Wars ships m the book Star Worv AWESOME IMAGES TlwForteAwakernAx/ediNeCfOsS'Section* To draw these image* which were created excfcnnrety for Popular Mechanic* cooperJUon with J. J. Abram's production company. Bad Robot. Kemp watched clips of the new movie and superimposed the detain on existing 30 renderings from set designers
Star Trek,Сериалы,uss enterprise
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Не, были иногда корабли с более мощным вооружением, дредноуты, построенные на базе других.
Например, дредноут на базе класса "Галактика" (Enterprise D), который был в последней серии TNG.
Например, взрыв или пожар в двигателе, то его можно будет отстегнуть от корабля, и дождаться помощи с комфортом.
Разве что у вулканцев иная форма гондол
З.Ы. Я в курсе, что это тяжкая форма СПГС, и что сначала был придуман дизайн корабля, а различные наукообразные, зачастую противоречивые, обоснования были придуманы потом, упоминались в отдельных сериях, чтобы двигать сюжет, и собраны фанатами в попытку сделать ЛОР.