CI»™ $£. APOPO QAPOW-ОШ Glam Slam ¡lW8to,1Jl( 2. тК-f ■э^ - RM¿-arfctfS>T¥JI£3l£±if* • Ш<ПтШ\*Ш<ШЪШЧ ' RÆ'J'èfcS . t-Г о L У ¿ Lfc^-í Х>й)йй«*1 'й'-$'£ § » з. *©/j\«**6 u «к - здядоч’ x><nmt< £-3frtW,i£bixm%ÎLb<Diï)\'T-î>t}<±t)<Z, ! WflíT?®lffcSgtfÁSSv0>R i=¿^>r - сб)!тЙйЙЯМ* y*—9*y*Wtt*iWiWB S'iÜá.S"
Glam 81am APOPO QAWW-DKU bR . 1l @kasuml-siky 7. 8. ■©BWiofrA/r *^SS»»±lf *- 0»rT!t?-^W mtmiizmm Rli3£tf£fi*£*}l«£gl+€> •
Glam 81am APOPO qapopu-dku bR . 1l7&7& ©kasumi-sdcy 4. tL%t£! mx^<DB.<nmzmz>£öiz3bm&*- - 2A»ö)lifiö)SSA'&nD#'3lt&*iSStt esit±**»iiT?#*i'ofc* K»i=ttSE©RISIfc*-3fc» -As-
POSE RESEARCH : THE TRUCK (»8») 1. When opponent laydown, use left leg crossing through and loch on opponent’s left leg. 2. Then hold opponent’s right leg with both arms. V
POSE RESEARCH THE TRUCK (KH#) ' ) A Damage anylize 1. Femur with wild stretch may cause large damage. 2. It extremly shame for a girl. ( 4. Now your opponent can’t control lowekbody. 5. Themore you stretch your body, the more your opponent’s pain.
Dead or Alive,Игры,Kasumi (Dead or Alive),Касуми,poison (final fight),Bula,game art,Игровая эротика,Dead or Alive,games,Kasumi (Dead or Alive),poison (final fight),Bula,game art,game erotica
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