вольный перевод :: черный юмор

черный юмор вольный перевод 

^ u/sulleyl23456789 • 21m
Survivors of school shootings how was it?
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BuddycatOwO • 18m
I had a great time until I was arrested
O ^ Reply \ Vote ^,черный юмор,вольный перевод

-Выжившие после школьных расстрелов, каково это?
-Я отлично проводил время, до тех пор пока меня не арестовали

r/AskReddit ^ u/sulleyl23456789 • 21m Survivors of school shootings how was it? Discussion ^ Vote + W 3 ^ Share O BEST COMMENTS ▼ BuddycatOwO • 18m I had a great time until I was arrested O ^ Reply \ Vote ^
черный юмор,вольный перевод
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Kid: Mom, what's dark humor? Mom: Do you see that man without arms over there? Tell him to clap. Kid: Mom! I'm blind. Mom: Exactly.
We are gathered here today because your prayers didn't work "What are the Americans thinking sending just a single plane to fight us? What a stupid tacti-" Smh Kids these days rely too much on technology Man's last wish to Genie:
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