YЛ W*'[j Ш\ ''J0 7 ^._ (; 7Л7 \ wj V w\ Л. f '/ 1 I * р \ * \ ' \7 {\А1\\Л\ V / Т V Yt 1 1 / Сова :: полнолуние :: птицы

Сова птицы полнолуние 
	YЛ	W*'[j	Ш\ ''J0			7 ^._ (; 7Л7 \ wj V w\	Л. f '/ 1 I * р \ * \	' \7 {\А1\\Л\	
	V / Т		V		Yt 1 1 р )^к t »-.Д'	/ >^ЦНвн	1 v/^-^V V -А Л^' У\ ДЖХ MlJ	/Н' мКд - ' » * 1^аК у /	Г|,Сова,птицы,полнолуние
 YЛ W*'[j Ш\ ''J0 7 ^._ (; 7Л7 \ wj V w\ Л. f '/ 1 I * р \ * \ ' \7 {\А1\\Л\ V / Т V Yt 1 1 р )^к t »-.Д' / >^ЦНвн 1 v/^-^V V -А Л^' У\ ДЖХ MlJ /Н' мКд - ' » * 1^аК у / Г|
Еще на тему
Комментарии 3 07.02.202119:07 ссылка 15.3
"Совы не то чем они кажутся."
Mishgan Mishgan 07.02.202119:25 ответить ссылка 3.1
Святая сова
Tsukasa Tsukasa 07.02.202121:56 ответить ссылка 0.0
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XCRIMSONLtGENDX The Grineer have no honor. Now THAT’S club
Well synced and timed video
muh (unrealistic) diveristy
too clustered and
(2 minutes and 34 seconds of it)
little music
Prothestic Tracer ¿/Beyond historically
fast cut, generic trailer	inaccurate uniforms	immediately reconginzed as WW1
Felt neccessary to turn into gameplay

Battlefield Игры BATTLEFIELD V,BATTLEFIELD 5 Virgin vs. Chad Battlefield 1

Now THAT’S club Well synced and timed video muh (unrealistic) diveristy too clustered and (2 minutes and 34 seconds of it) little music Prothestic Tracer ¿/Beyond historically fast cut, generic trailer inaccurate uniforms immediately reconginzed as WW1 Felt neccessary to turn into gameplay
fun facts about
-	frogs created the universe, and they will end it too.
-	in many countries, it is illegal to possess a frog, because they are superior to us pathetic mortals.
-	there can only ever be 14 frogs in existence at any given time.
-	froggy chair

anon xп Е с р О т ю ы ф й 2 ц г Ш ў 0 Х Ъ Б ж э л N V E подитика подитикa политикa пoлитика пoлитикa политка песочница пoлитики

fun facts about FROGS - frogs created the universe, and they will end it too. - in many countries, it is illegal to possess a frog, because they are superior to us pathetic mortals. - there can only ever be 14 frogs in existence at any given time. - froggy chair ¡funny.ce