Chot<s?PT Cheat Sheet Prompts £or Marketers Can you provide me with some ideas Рог blog posts about Ltopicl U/rite a product description Por >ny Lproduct or service о г company!] Surest inexpensive ways I ели promote my Lcompanyj without using Social media. How can I obtain high-quality backlinks to raise the SBO oP Lwebsite патеЛ Promp'ts Por X>e^elopers - develop an architecture and code Por a <CdeScription> website with JavaScript. - Help me Pind mistakes in the Pol lowing code ^paste code below>. - I want to implement a sticky header on my u/ebsite. Can you provide an example using CSS and JavaScript? - Please continue writing this code Por JavaScript ^post code below> Rrowp*ts 'Por dessers - Generate examples oP ul design requirements Por a [mobile appJ. - Hou/ can I design a LI au/ Pirm website!] in a u/ay that conveys Ltrust and authority^. - U/hat are Some micro-interactions to consider when designing Pintech app. - Create a text-based excel sheet to input your copy suggestions. Assume you have 2> members in your UK writing team dePî^e Cha.'t^RT Role Act as a Linux "Terminal Act as “position" Interviewer Act as a JavaScript Console Act as an Excel Sheet Act as an English "Teacher Act as a Plagiarism Checker Art as an Advertiser Act as a Relationship Coach Act as a Recruiter Ck<X»K\eci Promp’tilAj - U/rite an article about Chat6?PT. - First jive me the outline, which consists oP a headline, a teaser, and Several Subheadings. [Output!! - Slow write 5 diPPerent subheadings. [Outputs - Add 5 keywords Por each Subheading. LOutputU By Le.cKm ft-om cwvtâjM- Explain clearly Explain uniquely Explain detailed Explain like I'm 5 Explain with examples Explain to 5th grades Explain like Elon Wusk Explain detailed with examples Explain to high School students
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