Jpj zim-kinme Seguir Whenever Americans use Cryillic like. That. I just. Instantly shrivel up an cry furryanarchistsnufkin Like idk how to tell you this but h isnt h and m isnt n a skyheartstar13 Seguir It’s true and you should say it. furryanarchistsnufkin ft isnt R P isnt P B isnt B shipping-is-life-1-0-1 Seguir If you want to explain, what does it mean then? 0.0 £5 furryanarchistsnufkin h makes n sounds makes ee sound, a makes ya sound, p makes r sound, b makes v sound m shimmedmilk Seguir you mean, like, ha? g|| aveture Seguir oh no. It can be made with Cyrillic now furryanarchistsnufkin i-m cherry-bullets WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE EXPLAINED furryanarchistsnufkin wombuttress ha ïfÇ zicygomar Seguir m hjhb-the-hdgp Seguir I won’t survive seeing KOLUKOfleBOHKM trending here 2> O 142.660 notas
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