*Enemy Detected* vihollinen havaittu ala puhu minulle * Please don't talk to me* . she is used / Chivalry Starved :: BasedBinkie :: knight :: artist

BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved knight 

*Enemy Detected*
vihollinen havaittu
ala puhu minulle
* Please don't talk to me* .
she is used to staying as far away from people!
Most owl folk are solitary, they tend to be introverts and refuse eye contact, that being said, Sima is particularly socially anxious ■ii ........m i mr	, J
L 1

*Enemy Detected* vihollinen havaittu ala puhu minulle * Please don't talk to me* . she is used to staying as far away from people! Most owl folk are solitary, they tend to be introverts and refuse eye contact, that being said, Sima is particularly socially anxious ■ii ........m i mr , J L 1 Y£jyrá aJ „ i V 1 Sima values private space, being a sharpshooter as well
BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,knight
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Комментарии 6 23.05.202307:01 ссылка 15.3
Почему если Финляндия или Россия, то нужно рисовать зиму? Среднестатистический ценитель артов/картинок не поверит, если нарисовать финское лето или снег в Африке, например?
Das ich Das ich 23.05.202310:58 ответить ссылка -0.4
наверно потому что сова полярная ?
А в заполярье всегда зима и снег....
или Россия, или Финляндия.
Tää on suamen kesä, pojjat
TT-26 TT-26 24.05.202323:11 ответить ссылка 0.0
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aAJl äm	4
Ж	ЩЩк . - Щк
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Stau behind me Xiis and don't ijrenthe his gas
f X habe things I under
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Wo	0	
I11		Pm
	1	l ^ Chivalry Score: 98 Warcrimes Commited: Alot Castles Besieged: 32 Settlements Destroyed: 67
Weapons: Sharpened Shovel Makeshift Club Gas Canisters Explosive charges Triblade Knives

BasedBinkie knight без перевода art,арт Chivalry Starved Fantasy,Fantasy art BasedBinkie artist art Chivalry Starved fantasy artist фэнтези

Chivalry Score: 98 Warcrimes Commited: Alot Castles Besieged: 32 Settlements Destroyed: 67 Weapons: Sharpened Shovel Makeshift Club Gas Canisters Explosive charges Triblade Knives
dencMl Infocmation
Age: 26
Gender: Female Race: Owlfolk Alignment: Lawful Neutral Class: Enchantment Wizard Languages: Finnish, English Hoot, hoo, Hooo, Hooot

BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved knight без перевода песочница sandbox BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved sandbox

Strength: Constitution: Wisdom: dencMl Infocmation Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Owlfolk Alignment: Lawful Neutral Class: Enchantment Wizard Languages: Finnish, English Hoot, hoo, Hooo, Hooot Intelligence: Charisma: Luck:
Mi Doña is strong. She is the strongest person I know, she is even stronger than the Diablo up in the mountain, stronger than that fleshy monster who deign to call himself a knight, stronger than an entire army, but sometimes I have to remind myself that she is still just human.
We were on our rou

BasedBinkie artist без перевода Chivalry Starved knight Истории BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved story

Mi Doña is strong. She is the strongest person I know, she is even stronger than the Diablo up in the mountain, stronger than that fleshy monster who deign to call himself a knight, stronger than an entire army, but sometimes I have to remind myself that she is still just human. We were on our rou