Mi Doña is strong. She is the strongest person I know, she is even stronger than the Diablo up in t / Chivalry Starved :: Chivalry Starved :: BasedBinkie :: BasedBinkie :: story :: :: artist :: Истории :: knight :: без перевода :: artist

BasedBinkie artist без перевода Chivalry Starved knight Истории 

Mi Doña is strong. She is the strongest person I know, she is even stronger than the Diablo up in the mountain, stronger than that fleshy monster who deign to call himself a knight, stronger than an entire army, but sometimes I have to remind myself that she is still just human.
We were on our

She ordered me to stand back and watch her back, his not the duty of the squire to deal with such thugs, let the Knight handle this’ she spoke. Now I’m not fond of letting Mi Doha do -anything- by herself, but I must also respect her wishes, otherwise I’d be a terrible squire.
“1 demand to speak

“Alright lads, she’s got pretty good armor, polished and all that, oiled real good, think someone would want her back for a good price to, check the locals and find out whose the Lord here, in the meantime, we could have some fun with the goblin to heh...” I heard the leader spoke, and when

Mi Doña is strong. She is the strongest person I know, she is even stronger than the Diablo up in the mountain, stronger than that fleshy monster who deign to call himself a knight, stronger than an entire army, but sometimes I have to remind myself that she is still just human. We were on our routine patrols, we like to walk around outside the city walls, Mi Doña calls it a noble vigilance of the realms, but really it’s just because she doesn’t get a task for the day and just want to start problems. I don’t mind really, it’s a good chance for us to just enjoy each other’s company. Only this time, it won’t just be us. There’s a bunch of what seemed to be bandits over by the distance shaking down some poor peasant, they’ve taken over a watch post and they are plentiful in numbers, it seems they consist of deserters from a recent war, considering they are quite well equipped. Ordinarily, even a seasoned Knight would call for backup for this, there are too many for a single person to take. But Mi Doña is special, she has the utmost confidence in herself, and perhaps the burning desire to prove herself as well, I prepare for the worst in this scenario. ”T)alt brigands! Unhand that man at once and batate these premises!” I’ve come to expect such a reaction from her, her actions bring me an immense sense of pride but also worry. For one, I could tell that this seems an awful lot like a bait, there has been an increase in bandit activity around the area, and upon a closer look, that peasant doesn’t seem all that scared, the eyes give it away, I know fear when I look at it.
She ordered me to stand back and watch her back, his not the duty of the squire to deal with such thugs, let the Knight handle this’ she spoke. Now I’m not fond of letting Mi Doha do -anything- by herself, but I must also respect her wishes, otherwise I’d be a terrible squire. “1 demand to speak Uiith thine leader at onte,l’d to challenge him to an honorable duel, and the defeated must obetj the Uictor!** They all looked at each other, and laughed. Figured that’s going to be the case. A rugged looking man approached her, he has an eyepatch on, and battle scars adorning his face, the man seemed to be in his fourties, for a brigand that’s quite an achievement, he flashed a smarmy grin with crooked teeth, I can see from his remains eye, it is a man who had taken a many great lives before, one could easily tell by how the spark of life had faded from the wet sheen of his pupils. “Yeah? Is that right? Alright then, as I sir Arsepounder the Fourth, commander of this here regiment, shall take thine offer! Shall we find an adequate spot for the duel milady?” His words dripping with sarcasm and mockery, something which Mi Doña often fails to understand, for she replied with a curt nod and a smile in return. The leader whistled, and someone grabbed me from behind, wrapping his arm around my body taking in mind of my hands so I cannot crush him with my grip, clearly they were experienced, well travelled soldiers. “Mi Dona! Watch out, it’s a tr-“ the thug covered my mouth afterwards, but my words caught her attention, she turned towards me, and their leader pulled her helmet off by yanking her plume and proceeded to swing at her exposed head with a wooden club. She was out cold, and I dread the worst. 2
Vi “Alright lads, she’s got pretty good armor, polished and all that, oiled real good, think someone would want her back for a good price to, check the locals and find out whose the Lord here, in the meantime, we could have some fun with the goblin to heh...” I heard the leader spoke, and when fear starts taking over my mind, Mi Doña stood up like a woman possessed, her eyes sharp with fervor, I’ve never seen her give that look before, not even during the night where we first met. "1 tan forgitie the cheap shot, 1 tan forgitie the nightmare thou hath giben me, hut Uihat 1 tannot forgibe is those that Uiould harm mg lobelg Squire" Another cheapshot was attempted by the leader, swinging his club once more towards her head but she dodged as if she knew it was coming, then again I have never seen Mi Dona fall for the same trick twice, she always adapts, but I know that because she is the strongest person in the world. She responded with a swift half-sworded thrust into the man’s armpit, her speed caught the man off guard and he screamed in pain. “AAUGH, screw the ransom, make an example out of her!” He clutched the side of his body, moving a few steps back as the brigands flank him and charged towards her. What happens next is a merciless exchange of steel and flesh, she could not withstand such well executed barrage of blows, she was struck once more in the head this time with a mace, and the other manage to nearly hack off her arm in the process. This is when I realize, this is not a mere band of brigands and lowlifes, these are trained knight slayers that roam these lands and kill these folks for profit. They shot at her with specially made armor piercing bows and bolts, tipped with Adamantite, even though my Lady has excellent armor, it pierced through her protection like it was made of parchment. She fell yet again at the onslaught of attacks, an arrow pierced through her heart, blades sticking out her back, common sense dictate that she would have died there and then. But she stood up once more, and once more like a woman possessed. Mi Dona is the strongest person I know, there is nothing that will kill her. "Thou hit like a bunch of mandrake mgmmerkins! Come, come and taste mg steel!" 3
BasedBinkie,artist,без перевода,Chivalry Starved,knight,Истории,BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,,story
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Стрелы, пробивающие стальной доспех...
tis but a scratch
asd072 asd072 06.06.202313:39 ответить ссылка 2.9
В тексте пишется, что это специальные бронепробивающие стрелы и болты с наконечниками из адамантия.
Damdin Damdin 06.06.202317:15 ответить ссылка 4.1
и что тебя смутило? стрелы пробивали сталные доспехи
Жанна Дарк получила ровно такие же ранения как на картинке
1. в бедро арбалетным болтом при осаде Парижа
2. в область над грудью между плечем и шеей - английской стрелой, при осаде Орлеана
OvvO OvvO 26.06.202316:48 ответить ссылка 0.9
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