Священные реликвии Знакомых земель / Chivalry Starved :: BasedBinkie :: много букав :: без перевода :: комикс :: artist

BasedBinkie artist Chivalry Starved комикс без перевода много букав 

Священные реликвии Знакомых земель

S§) Spear of Toliinus
___________"Relic of Authoritu________
In an era now long lost through time, the spear of Lovinus belonged to a great warrior who was once called the finest spearman of all time, his might was so great that reality bend it’s knee, such was his influence.
The spear of
r Grand Inquisitors Marias authority manifest itself in vast field of golden reeds. To her allies, the reeds would heal their wounds and provide a sense of gentle warmth but to her foes, the reeds Jt would sap their strength whenever it brushes against them

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Death is the sweetest offering one could give, and this Relic embodies the idea. Kindness crafted a scythe that could slice through both flesh and the ethereal. Wounds inflicted upon by this scythe will cause no pain, as Kindness believes a painless death is the finest one, their souls would be
Unbreakable seems to be thousands of years old, created during a time now lost to history, it wasn’t treated as an actual weapon until the Chosen Knight of Patience Alexandra trained persistently to wield it. She wa^the first wielder, but she lost it a centuries ago, leaving it to the haffi|^ of
Fundamental Relic
Relic of Pride
who doubted him, particularly the The Big Iron can only load 6 bullets,
gunsmiths of U.S.L. Big Iron is made of though each bullet seems stronSer Adamantine, making it quite heavy but tban tbe one that was fired incredibly durable, one could even use it as a

S§) Spear of Toliinus ___________"Relic of Authoritu________ In an era now long lost through time, the spear of Lovinus belonged to a great warrior who was once called the finest spearman of all time, his might was so great that reality bend it’s knee, such was his influence. The spear of Lovinus is made with a flagpole earned with blood and sweat, it once belonged to a great nation and was instrumental to it’s eventual fall. It now bears a new color, a new identity, as Lovinus continued with his neverending conquest until his demise. Once planted to the ground by a person with a sufficiently strong will and vision, it will cast a domain of one’s inner psyche, a manifestation of their authority they wish to impose upon the world, and as long as it remained planted to the ground that small pocket of reality will remain. It’s blade cut at the very soul, the ego. A cut from the spear would make one wane in spirit, they will be assaulted by the wielder’s own authority as they exert their influence upon their mind, this is how the spear has been used to slay gods and powerful entities in the past, it does not only kill the body it also kills the very idea of the entity, capable of erasing it’s existence. Currently the spear is under the posession of Grand Inquisitor Maria Iglesias. The spear has been passed down to each Grand Inquisitor and it serves as a test for them to see if they are worthy to lead the Golden Father’s vision. If anyone is not found worthy of wielding the spear, their minds will be shattered. The wielders of Lovinus are people with a strong vision for the world they wish to change. They have strong sense of purpose and ideals that drive them forward, and their domains become a reflection of their authority.
r Grand Inquisitors Marias authority manifest itself in vast field of golden reeds. To her allies, the reeds would heal their wounds and provide a sense of gentle warmth but to her foes, the reeds Jt would sap their strength whenever it brushes against them r ■■ ■ ■ V ■> ■ tc
Death is the sweetest offering one could give, and this Relic embodies the idea. Kindness crafted a scythe that could slice through both flesh and the ethereal. Wounds inflicted upon by this scythe will cause no pain, as Kindness believes a painless death is the finest one, their souls would be directed to her, and some of their essence will cause a manabloom to sprout from the relic itself. This scythe could also slice through the fabric of reality, allowing one to slice into the realm of the dead to bring forth ids might onto the living, though to do that one must sacrifice their own life essence, and as such abusing this ability would send one to the realm of the dead itself. Any creature slain by Dulce Ofrenda will not be able to be resurrected through any means, it will suffer true death, sleeping forevermore.
Unbreakable seems to be thousands of years old, created during a time now lost to history, it wasn’t treated as an actual weapon until the Chosen Knight of Patience Alexandra trained persistently to wield it. She wa^the first wielder, but she lost it a centuries ago, leaving it to the haffi|^ of other stubborn warr throughout time. Unbreakable Relic of Patience Unbreakable as the name implies, is an unbreakable weapon, forged from a variety of metals, making it incredibly durable but also extremely heavy. It takes no small amount of training to wield this weapon, and moreso to swing it properly, it’s width also allows it to be used as an equally impenetrable shield. Though it may suffer damage and chips, it will eventually mend itself by absorbing other metals, from weapons and armor it struck, but one would have to wonder, if a blade is fixed from various other blades and materials, is it still the same sword? The Greatsword has been passed down from user to user, and it only has gotten stronger over the ages, it seem to absorb the properties of those it slays, it has been documented that unbreakable could slay unfamiliars with ease.
Fundamental Relic Relic of Pride who doubted him, particularly the The Big Iron can only load 6 bullets, gunsmiths of U.S.L. Big Iron is made of though each bullet seems stronSer Adamantine, making it quite heavy but tban tbe one that was fired incredibly durable, one could even use it as a previously, ending with a final club if needed, though it would bring shame bullet that will have Prides to it’s excellent craftmanship. blessing, the bullet itself becoming so hot that it could melt through The adornments on the revolver serve as the toughest armor, runes, increasing the pistol's potency with each shot, making it seem as though it was fired from a rail gun system. The relic passively produces more ammunition given time. The relic is currently in the possession of the Chosen Knight of Pride and the President of the U.S.L , John Freedom. The firearm has an enchantment where it cannot be used against those unworthy, therefore the President has only fired Big Iron against mighty dragons that even his fists cannot bring down. Though numerous attempts have been made to duplicate the Big Iron's mechanisms and craft, no gunsmith has been able to match its strength. Big Iron has a lethal recoil as well; if the user is not strong enough, the relic will dislocate their shoulder. Proper usage of the relic requires enormous strength and skill.
BasedBinkie,artist,Chivalry Starved,комикс,без перевода,много букав
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Вангую копьё Ловинуса попадёт в руки Флэйн.
Noxred Noxred 17.02.202409:57 ответить ссылка 0.6
Чеховское копьё
Тот самый Big Iron?
За отсылочки мое увожение автору.
Так падажжи, получается Мыш стал избранным не Гордости, а Смирения? Ведь у Гордости есть президент, аааа вот почему она теперь с Мышем так часто в комиксах, сон был актом пранка-проверки или что-то такое
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