Магия Незнакомых и Знакомых / BasedBinkie :: Chivalry Starved :: многабукаф :: без перевода :: artist :: Смешные комиксы (веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы)

Chivalry Starved Комиксы BasedBinkie artist без перевода многабукаф 

Магия Незнакомых и Знакомых

tXnfûmUiûr Attuned JHagic
I	Domain of Hope
f Hope cleric involves suffering. Hope Clerics have been | observed to be incredibly durable and incredibly
I persistent, they would continue to stand and push on, despite their wounds that would kill them twice over. They are also

Domain of Charity
Charity’s domain focuses on nature and life in all of it’s forms. Those attuned with her would be able to access a variety of gifts such as speaking with all manner of lifeforms and controlling plants to some degree.
Domain of Patience
Patience domain is endurance and

Domain of Greed
Greed’s Domain focuses on transmutation and alchemy, creating something new from something completely different.
Dragons gain access to different types of breath, there exist dragons whose breath spew gold, and turns all it burns into statues of gold
Tumtamentallti Attuned

a*«* tXnfûmUiûr Attuned JHagic & I Domain of Hope If f Hope cleric involves suffering. Hope Clerics have been | observed to be incredibly durable and incredibly I persistent, they would continue to stand and push on, despite their wounds that would kill them twice over. They are also observed to break limits, being able to i attain strength, speed and cunning that is considered | supernatural. iHope clerics could also access the magic of the ‘Deep’ being able to summon tentacles, and manipulate water to an impressive degree. i Domain of Unity Unity’s domain focuses on absorbing essence. Unity Clerics are able to take power and information for themselves and possibly merge into one being. There is a limit in absorbtion however, for one could go insane with knowledge and power. Unity clerics are also able to split their own personality into mutiple independent intelligences which allows them to multitask or cast magic equivalent to a few people working in unison. Fate’s domain involves manipulating probabilities, twisting the threads of fate in a miniscule manner to bring upon the result you’d like to see. This allows Fate clerics to see the short term future as well, seeing attacks as they come, allowing one to react properly. Fate clerics are able to access gravity magic as well, a powerful domain that is incredibly difficult to master, though extremely dangerous once done, there are rumors that a skilled cleric could even summon a black hole.
(0\ Domain of Charity Charity’s domain focuses on nature and life in all of it’s forms. Those attuned with her would be able to access a variety of gifts such as speaking with all manner of lifeforms and controlling plants to some degree. Domain of Patience Patience domain is endurance and longevity, therefore those blessed with Patience’s blessing are able to live beyond their means. They are known to be sturdy lot as well, difficult to kill and long lived, allowing one to hone their skills longer or gain more knowledge. Charity also provides healing magic that aids with illnesses by way of affecting microbes, or it could be used to cause sickness as well. Patience seems to reward persistence as well, as those blessed by him seem to learn things quicker Functomentollu Attuned Tllagit Domain of Humility Humility’s domain is that of stealth and shadow, her blessings grant one the ability to be invisible to some degree. She also gifts the ability to manipulate shadows allowing one to meld into the darkness and reappear elsewhere. Domain of Chastity Domain of Temperance Chastity’s domain is of defense Temperance’s domain is equality, and protection, and as such his I that being said his blessings grant blessings gravitate towards I his clerics and devout followers barriers and wards. with the ability to resist and nullify magic. Temperance magic could conjure fields in which magic potency is significantly decreased, as well as enchanting their equipment with runes that sap magics. They could also create antioutsider wards, which affects only Temperance also gifts his most the unfamiliars. devout followers with a keen sense «a to sPot aRd identify traces of magic Domain of Kindness Death is Kindness domain, therefore her abilities revolve around the realm of the dead. Kindness bless her followers with the ability to speak to the dead, and hopefully beseech their aid one more time before they return to the realm of the departed. A skilled Cleric of Chastity could enchant armor with a layer of force field that gives them even more protection against powerful blows. Humility’s blessing seem to grow stronger when gifts inspire fear to one’s foes, delighting in someone being humbled before her might. Clerics of Kindness also knows the secrets in cultivating manabloom Domain of Diligence Diligence’s domain is command, one would be able to impose their will upon others who are weak minded or towards inanimate objects like puppets (or corpses). The complexity of a command is limited by the skill and experience of his clerics, Diligence favors those with strong wills to develop society and industry.
Domain of Greed Greed’s Domain focuses on transmutation and alchemy, creating something new from something completely different. Dragons gain access to different types of breath, there exist dragons whose breath spew gold, and turns all it burns into statues of gold Tumtamentallti Attuned JTlagic $2% Domain of Sloth Sloth’s Domain is time, or more specifically the slowing down of time. Though she does not bestow anyone the ability to slow time itself, her spells allow for others to impede other’s perception of it. Domain of Wrath Wrath’s domain focuses on Physically Enhancing magic, to surpass one’s own natural limitation and imbue it with righteous fury. Domain of Pride Pride’s Domain is the power of the sun, imbuing the user with the flames of the infinite radiance, these flames would also temper weapons and aid create masterwork equipment, though these are merely rumors, for a few craftsmen are simply ‘that good’. Domain of Envy Shapeshifting is Envy’s Domain, a magical school based around the idea of imitation of all things. One’s voice could be emulated, or one’s face can be taken. Domain of Gluttony Hemomancy (Blood Magic) is Gluttony’s domain, the manipulation of blood and flesh and twisting the biological forms Domain of Lust Lust Domain is the manipulation of emotion, the ability to understand others in a deep empathetic level that is innacessible to most. One could tame the wildest of rage, or entice those who have fallen into despair. Vampires gain access to more spells in the form of mosquito swarm control, minor glamour, and access to more powerful forms It’s been well documented that Wrath’s domain also focuses on survivability, those who practice it able to function normally when most would have died Envy also encompasses illusions, making others see things you want them to see, creating copies of oneself or of others. Her domain also encompasses impeding spells like ‘Sleep’ or ‘Grease’ in which her clerics could simply avoid a fight that needn’t to be fought. Though Lust could not influence the mind directly, simple suggestions and good company could twist even the most stubborn of souls, everyone needs something, and Lust provides. Pride worshippers tend to also exert a particularly powerful aura Hemomancy could also be used to heal others, though it comes at a cost of the user’s own blood Envy’s worshippers tend to be cunning and ambitious types, a competitive yet strong ego is needed to maintain strong illusions ,v Those who delve deep within the teachings of sloth might be able to learn spells of decay and rot, but these arts are mostly lost through the passage of time
Chivalry Starved,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,BasedBinkie,artist,без перевода,многабукаф
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Ну и как с такой командой выигрывать?
iHronos iHronos 03.06.202417:12 ответить ссылка 5.9
Красивая шиза с паттернами глубокими, очень люблю такое
Bogomol Bogomol 03.06.202417:35 ответить ссылка 2.0
Мне кажется или кроме Гордыни (Pride) ни у кого нет прям явной боевой магии типа огнешаров и подобного? Только у парочки ещё что "может быть если сильно стараться", то получиться гравитацией или разложением управлять. И ещё очень у многих сила в мало различимых между собой выживаемости или броне.
Пантеон танков и контроллеров.
Babibuba Babibuba 05.06.202414:19 ответить ссылка 0.0
Автор явно пытается создать мир с большим фокусом на бойцов - рыцарей всяких - и их оружие. Использование магии для саппорта нежели дамага вполне логичное решение в таком случае.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Sweetheart it s okay I’» ^ mad.. Ate you
Li alright^
r She... 1 Wanted me
>ne s not yours^S anymore you
Leave her ALONE!