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dD Quinn (17:38:08 4/11/2012) 0 Lack of finesse in ensuring cultural accuracy. dD MouseTail (17:39:23 4/11/2012) speaking of cultural accuracy... it is understandable that popular image of americans in the eyes of russians is something overly fat, constantly eating at McDonalds and sending troops overseas to secure oil reserves dD MouseTail (17:39:44 4/11/2012) most not-too-literate people of russia think so seriously dD MouseTail (17:40:35 4/11/2012) I'm curious, however, whether the local conception of russians in the eye of americans are true these would be: always drinking vodka, living in a harsh winter conditions, playing balalaikas and having bears as house pet dD Quinn (17:48:16 4/11/2012) Here's what I said last: It varies, but it is kind of mixed between fat vodka-drinking country bumpkins and sharp well-dressed vodka-drinking russian mobsters with a penchant for fast cars and beautiful women. dD MouseTail (17:49:14 4/11/2012) at least, no bears and no balalaikas dD Quinn (17:52:19 4/11/2012) Yeah that is not part of the stereotype....vodka definitely is though. dD MouseTail (17:52:56 4/11/2012) Your description is surprisingly accurate, thinking about where Russia is progressing now. Only it is flavored by the recently emergent religious and ethnical intolerance. dD Quinn (17:54:26 4/11/2012) Yeah, seems Putin is co-opting and using that to his benefit...I think even encouraging it. Very scary.
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