from Patrick Smith on Vimeo. / анимация :: masks :: video

video анимация masks 

"Masks" Animated Short Film (2011),Patrick Smith, Animation, Animated Short, Short Film, MTV, Daria, Pat Smith, Masks, Animation of Pat Smith,Masked men exploit an edible smaller species as a renegade scientist perfects a cloning process to satisfy demand, but the clones conceal a destructive secret. More info at As a hand drawn film, I'm offering the original drawings (the actual frames of animation) from this film at Winner Santa Clarita Valley Film Festival 2012 Winner Jury Prize Durango Film Festival 2012 Winner ASIFA-East (Association Internationale du Film d'Animation) 2011 Winner Animated Surrealism Award DragonCon Film Festival, 2011 Winner Anima Mundi, Brazil, 2011 Screenings: 2012 Cleveland International Film Festival 2012 Phoenix Film Festival 2012 Durango Film Festival 2012 Santa Clarita Valley Film Festival (Winner!) 2012 San Francisco Independent Film Festival 2011 Charlston International Film Festival 2011 Savannah Film Festival 2011 Santa Cruz Film Festival 2011 ASIFA-East (Winner!) 2011 Ellensburg Film Festival 2011 Befilm Film Festival 2011 Annecy Plus Film Festival 2011 Kodak Animation Show 2011 Arizona Film Festival 2011 Woodstock Film Festival 2011 Ojai Film Festival 2011 Philadelphia Animation Festival
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видео,video анимация vimeo

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video vimeo 3D анимация

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