art эротика :: JaGoArt :: JaGo :: Смешные комиксы (веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы)

JaGo Комиксы JaGoArt art эротика песочница 

In spite of my hatred towards it, I'm forced to come again How many times with this one7 207 507 I lost count...
Here again, walking down the aisles of this damn place, No matter how many times I have walked it in the past, this place disturbs me and disgusts me every step...
Ok, the time has

There's no need to be that distant and formal Doctor, not after all the time we spend together...
~ Let me correct you; ^ making these assessments every time you're brought back couldn't be considered 'spend time together' in the social w meaning of the word >
Cm sorry that my constant runaways

',sk ageless', '', are just expressions of repression, masks you create to kide wkat you really tkinte...wkat you really want...
you c,o\A,s>idtY ^ouy^tlf a puritan, even avoiding saying tke word your sense of moral considers forbidden, but i can see beyond your discrete and prideful

I...It’s ridiculous, what you’re saying it’s nothing more than ravings v of an ill mind. >
is that your officiai diagnose doctor?
r An ill mind ^ that needs to go bacte to 'sanity'...tell rue... Is ruy mental health what really concerns V,.	you?..,
—on how you struggle against the impulse of

/ What'S that ^ ' surprise face? * weren't you expecting this? r>ldiA/t you. teuow since you walked through that door this was go lug X to happew? A
It’s... it’s releasing!!!
▼ rtow
hUUC h
more will you play the Victim, of the clrcum.staiA.ces L game?
...your "reason" cokweuleutly hldlny you

you art the ont who conveniently lets the door open when you need want to commit your ^in but you don't want to dtal with th^ consequences...
r But lit me till "N you something, there's s^a price to nan...jA
every ^ jr time you let ' me escape i get stronger and my thirst for lust more

Lost in your thoughts again Sister? I understand you’re > a little introverted person and it’s normal to keep some thoughts to yourself, but, the other sisters have started to worry about you Luna...that’s why I asked * you to come...
/ They say you \ ' spend too much time ) locked in your

DIBUJA.COM,JaGo,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,JaGoArt,art эротика,песочница

In spite of my hatred towards it, I'm forced to come again How many times with this one7 207 507 I lost count... Here again, walking down the aisles of this damn place, No matter how many times I have walked it in the past, this place disturbs me and disgusts me every step... Ok, the time has come.. I take a deep breath in a poor attempt of giving me courage. I hate to see its eyes, but worse than that is to stand its voice . It doesn't matter, it's my job to face it, give it its sanity . AhhU kwiss Lu.tA.fl, welcome, you loole lovely todfly... Thank you, but, let me remind you that compliments are out of place in this session Now, if you don't mind I'd like to fSw start .. y
There's no need to be that distant and formal Doctor, not after all the time we spend together... ~ Let me correct you; ^ making these assessments every time you're brought back couldn't be considered 'spend time together' in the social w meaning of the word > Cm sorry that my constant runaways and ruysilf bring you discomfort, but, everyday it becomes easier to escape from just becomes an irresistible temptation I understand. Let's see, multiple charges against moral, clear self-destructive . tendencies... ^ Total despise for social integrity and inappropriate sexual behaviors.... I inappropriate? oh uny girl, sexually speatelng, It that what uñatees It fw.n...\/ery Inappropriate!
',sk ageless', '', are just expressions of repression, masks you create to kide wkat you really tkinte...wkat you really want... you c,o\A,s>idtY ^ouy^tlf a puritan, even avoiding saying tke word your sense of moral considers forbidden, but i can see beyond your discrete and prideful attitude kides... a. your, most nts, when in solitude you ie oppression considers a r own tkinle witnesses for acts you^can 11 was tkere .touched* What a shameless way of speaking, would you at least be a little prudish when you talk about that kind of topics? WWW* JAGODIBIIJA.COM
I...It’s ridiculous, what you’re saying it’s nothing more than ravings v of an ill mind. > is that your officiai diagnose doctor? r An ill mind ^ that needs to go bacte to 'sanity'...tell rue... Is ruy mental health what really concerns V,. you?.., —on how you struggle against the impulse of wetting your lips while you waited vnt to leeep describing in detail everu obscene ^ HA HA HA HA HA HA whose sanity is on the edge now?
/ What'S that ^ ' surprise face? * weren't you expecting this? r>ldiA/t you. teuow since you walked through that door this was go lug X to happew? A It’s... it’s releasing!!! ▼ rtow hUUC h more will you play the Victim, of the clrcum.staiA.ces L game? ...your "reason" cokweuleutly hldlny you to avoid feellr.0 0ullt you're told outside that It's bad, iiM.rn.orai, you ruust follow their rules...but u.ot rue...aiud that's why you hate rue. but at the sarue tlrwe wou iA.eed rue you need someone to do the dirty job for you, someokte that frees you from, responsibility ...when will you accept I'm part of you...? ...and that you waut hue to take coutrol....
you art the ont who conveniently lets the door open when you need want to commit your ^in but you don't want to dtal with th^ consequences... r But lit me till "N you something, there's s^a price to nan...jA every ^ jr time you let ' me escape i get stronger and my thirst for lust more uncontrolla-V ble... i Then the 'i don't ™ tenow what happened to me' eomes, 'I don't tenow why ( did it'... yes...I will be your scapegoat again, you can blame your loyal servant, 'madness' This time will be the last, you, 'reason', you're not guide of this body... There won't f be fear of repression, ^ i will release every ' hidden and outcast by the so called decency wish, i'll laugh at your moral, i'll ride her with despise and will get to ecstasy over your prejudices ^ i'll do it for you... FW Luna Luna Sister Luna, can you hear me?
Lost in your thoughts again Sister? I understand you’re > a little introverted person and it’s normal to keep some thoughts to yourself, but, the other sisters have started to worry about you Luna...that’s why I asked * you to come... / They say you \ ' spend too much time ) locked in your bedroom and you avoid having contact with them, tell me what is it that’s worrying you my daughter? You can tell me darling, it isn’t good to keep all those issues and feelings inside l you. J You'll be surprised how liberating to your heart it is to open yourself a bit to others Ok Father, I’ll open my heart to others, starting with you... You were right. I’m starting to feel free!!!
JaGo,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,JaGoArt,art эротика,песочница
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Комментарии 8 01.10.201511:42 ссылка 13.3
вау. полноценный комикс от JaGo
Ditroll Ditroll 01.10.201512:19 ответить ссылка 1.2
Нарисованный год назад, вторя часть в процессе создания (5 страниц уже готово)
перевели бы еще
grin90 grin90 01.10.201512:43 ответить ссылка 0.9
Кому-то пора жрать галоперидол.
Yoshir Yoshir 01.10.201514:10 ответить ссылка 0.0
Это просто праздник какой то! А еще офигенные идеи на косплей на хеллоуин
akatujh akatujh 13.10.201511:58 ответить ссылка 0.0
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