Lineage 2 on Unreal Engine 4
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LU4. S03E01. Lineage 2 on Unreal Engine 4.,Gaming,CWO,CWO team,Lineage 2,LA2,LA 2,First steps,Interlude,Unreal Engine 4,UE4,UE 4,LU4,LU4 project,Remake,CHANNEL: It's been a long time from last of our vids. We were at HARD work, reassembling and refactoring some things. we've made NPC's and mobs animation mask, united materials, FINALLY made a program that has algorithms for inserting BSP brushes (this was a really hard part), and now for the first run we're building talking island with test content. BUT YOUTUBE RUINED MY VIDEO 8( - it's dancing sometimes... Well as i said this winter we will try to launch pretest of preproduction version, with main working modules and code. All rights belongs to their rightholders. Game: Lineage 2 - NCSoft and it's awesome crew. Music: Lisa - Inori (Trinity Blood -Requiem).
Lineage 2,Lineage,Игры,Lineage II,видео,video,в разработке,unreal engine 4,unreal engine,редактор,графика,MMORPG,заминусуют
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