Британская академия фильмов и телевизионных искусств перестанет награждать игры без гендерного и расового разнообразия.
Также, не менее 10% героев игры должны быть ЛГБТ.
Также, не менее 10% героев игры должны быть ЛГБТ.
BRITISH ACADEMY OF FILM ANDTELEVISION ARTS For non-narrative games where the cast is an ensemble - the total A 50-50 gender balance 20% belonging to an under-represented ethnic group 10% LGBTQ+ 7% D/deaf and disabled Significant amount of characters featuring regional diversity Significant amount of characters are from a lower socioeconomic background You should explain where there are characters that are not frequently portrayed on screen and/or how the game is offering non-stereotypical representation.
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