Рейнджерам из Вайоминга запретили взрывать лошадей в лесу
Руководство национального парка Шошони прикрыла практику, которая бытовала здесь десятилетиями. Обычно, когда рейнджеры встречали в лесу дохлую кобылу, они подрывали ее динамитом на радость всем окрестным койотам.
Запрет ввели из-за пожароопасной ситуации, которая сложилась в последние годы. Но зачем вообще подрывать лошадей динамитом? Это делалось из-за гризли: обычно кобыла подыхает где-то рядом с туристической тропой, и к ней вскоре стекаются медведи. Но если хорошенько бахнуть, получается такой фарш, что гризли тут ловить нечего.
У рейнджеров даже есть печатное руководство «Уничтожение туш животных взрывчатыми веществами», в котором подробно изложены лучшие методы подрыва лошадей, лосей и мулов.
ur.i*a S>o»»* 0*pa-*r-wr.t or Ag-C J's* »0*0*1 Sir«* S Technology & Development Program Januaryl*ti ijoo/uoo_________wyjyyKroc Obliterating Animal Carcasses With Explosives Jim Tour, Project Leader, and H.ke Knodct, Northern Region Blatter Etamlner There are time# when a is importer« to remove or obMerate an animal carcass from locations such as recreation areas where a carcass might attract bears, at a popular picnic area where the pubic rr-ght object, or along the s*li of roads or trails Large animal carcasses can Exptosrves have successful been used by quai'-ed blasters lo pvftaly or totally obliterate large animal carcasses (horses, mules, moose, etc ), n is important to consider location. tme of year, and sue of the carcass when selecting the quantty and type of eipio&vo to accomplish The foBowing examples l'us irate partial obi<erat«n (dispersion) for a horse that weighs about l.too pounds (4S3 6 UOgrams). In the first example, urgency is not a factor. Perhaps a few days are expected before the public is to vis t the area, or perhaps bears w* not r»« ’ -*»r\*t Mittrxn >0 pemot (S1 kMxyvm) or TV continued... For oddir-onol information contoct jmtour.FKjecueooer. v.h«as reennoopr* Oevecpmenr Confer. meg tJenunoMo Mwouo.«: sotoi Pnone FAX. aso-sj+jr.e dg-j :<msoia Figure 2 show* a smiar example wter« it is not practical to move the carcass orJo the ««pcs'.« charges For example, when the carcass « Laying in wa'ar or frozen ino the ground. In tfvs case. 55 pounds {25 kilograms) ot linear (one Bex d flreine) explosives are simply draped over the carcass. Used the entire 55 pounds (25 kilograms) d explosives wSI provide more ots-lora-ton than shown in the first example In situations where total animal obliteration it recessary. t <s advisable to double the amount d explosives used n the f*-si two examples. Use 20 pounds (9 Mo-grams) on lop of and 20 pounds (9 kJograms) underneath the carcass, dependjvg on the type d exptos ves used. Total obliteration might be preferred in s4uabcns where the .V pub’-c is expected ‘n the area the next day. or where bears are panedarty prottc. Here are some rue* d thumb for carcass oirttfaton ■> Use more explosives man shown in the examples on larger arunals ¡ike moose, especially .1 total obiseration is deseed. > Or^-by-s-xteen (1-lncn diameter by 18 inches long a 2 5* ceramet*?* by <0.6 cemirneters) stick pewder generally weighs about 1 pound (<5 klograms) per stick. •> One box d inear explosives (fxeiine) weighs about 55 pounds (25 kilograms). Or Moet large animal carcasses can be adequately disbursed wen 20 pounds (9 Uograms) expiosnes. However. 40 to 55 pounds (18 to 25 kilograms) are recommerdeq to ensure total oWfteratooo. •> The water gd explosives are acceptable for use whon the temperature Is above freeing (32* Fahrenhe« or 0* Centigrade). Emulsions wl detonate at temperatures as low as 0*F (-18*0). Use PETN or TNT type explosives when temperatures are near or below 0*F (-18*0). -> Carcasses that have been dispersed will generally be Ida»/ gone within a few days. ■> Carcasses that have been partially obiter-ated will generally not show any trace of existence the next day. For fur.* vr ntornu n on us-ng expi: sivet forarwnal removal, oornact a blaster on your Forest, or Jm Tour at the Mssoua Technology and Development Center. rox» 2 -Panel oMtarxaon i*«j SS pound* OS Mop*-«) 0« 1r*«» nw»i o-ap*e o«er m uuu (on* be* d */«sn• *«pe*v*) TD rx» usca rml Ul ».(O.w xJWmxi-on *w I-« cv«<m or r/-wwv< 0* mi.vmiw. w 1 neMiw ftetitt *•«# SUM IMMI. «»a « «*•< <ll<0-li» 'W MO «»•»'•'•’■O'lO' no or I»« Mit/ivw Or •«•o' "I OM* *<7*^'l r« ><• o' ww. Ow 0» CO-p Mo U«I - 1*0 r-Mcxw « l*v WO 0/ m* ««or/ i'J oni «1 wituv «¡»••V* •/ apne-uu-o < > a>r OUMI >•• ««•*»-«' o' ..*•'» war •>•/ p. i«.roM*
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